Regulatory Economics & Litigation Support

Strategy, Focus, and Advocacy

LAI's ability to develop cutting edge solutions to complex challenges forms the basis for effectively supporting our clients' regulatory and litigation strategies. We combine state-of-the-art analytic capabilities in power systems and transmission engineering, pipeline transportation and storage management, rate design, and regulatory compliance analysis. LAI consultants have submitted expert testimony at FERC and before state and provincial regulatory commissions on a broad array of natural gas and electricity market issues. On behalf of utilities, end-users, pipeline companies, and ISOs/RTOs, our consultants have testified on matters pertaining to industry competition, financial transactions, contract administration, rate design, cost of service and capital structure. We have represented shippers including utilities, end-users and natural gas producers regarding pipeline rate and certification matters on pipelines throughout North America.

Lawyers have relied on LAI to separate fact from fiction as well as to develop evidence, exhibits and expert opinions. LAI's litigation support work spans bankruptcy issues, debt default, breach of fiduciary obligation, asset-related due diligence, as well as contract restructuring, arbitration, and litigation. Our consultants have successfully advocated on behalf of utilities, power suppliers, natural gas producers, gas storage operators, merchant energy companies, and project developers.

LAI's regulatory economics and litigation support services include:

  • Analysis and testimony to support rate filings and interventions
  • Market power studies
  • Tax and asset valuations
  • Natural gas, electric and steam cost of service studies
  • Damage calculations
  • Fuel and electricity price forecasts

Competitive Power Solicitations
Market Design & Resource Adequacy
Regulatory Economics & Litigation Support
Transmission Assessments
Gas Supply & Pipeline Infrastructure
Financial Transactions & Due Diligence
Electricity & Fuel Procurement Advisory Services
Clean Power & Carbon Management

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101 Federal Street, Suite 1900, Boston, MA 02110    (617) 531-2818
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