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Project Website Launch
December 15, 2014
Earliest Possible Application Submittal
December 15, 2014
Technical Conference
January 8, 2015
Administrative Completeness Determination
30 days from application submittal
Application Period – Starting Date
February 25, 2016
Application Period – Ending Date
August 23, 2016
Application Period – First Extension Ending DateSeptember 22, 2016
Application Period – Second Extension Ending Date
October 21, 2016
Application Period – Third Extension Ending Date
November 18, 2016
MD PSC Case 9431 Hearings
March 13-17, 2017
March 20-24, 2017 [if needed]
Application Decision
(Approve, Conditionally Approve, or Deny)
Within 180 days after the Application Period Ending Date, unless extended by mutual consent of the parties

  • Developer submits an application for a potential offshore wind project ("OSW") in accordance with COMAR One electronic copy of the application shall be submitted via the secure portal that the OSW applicant establishes on the project website (https://levitan.sharefile.com/login.aspx), plus one hard copy shall be submitted to: Seth Parker, VP & Principal, Levitan & Associates, Inc., 100 Summer Street, Suite 3200 Boston, MA 02110.
  • Day 0: A determination regarding whether the first OSW application is administratively complete must be made within 30 days of application submittal, as defined in COMAR In accordance with COMAR, if the application is initially found to be incomplete, LAI will promptly notify the OSW applicant of any deficiencies and allow the OSW applicant to submit missing items. Once an OSW application has been determined to be administratively complete, the bidder shall be notified by Levitan & Associates, Inc. ("LAI").
  • Day 0: LAI will also notify the MD PSC that an OSW application has been received and determined to be administratively complete. The MD PSC will issue a public notice commencing the 180 day application period described in COMAR, thereby providing notice that the Commission is accepting additional applications for potential offshore wind projects through the secure portal.
  • Days 1 - 180: LAI provides notice on an ongoing basis to the MD PSC that an OSW application(s) has been determined to be administratively complete and has been determined to meet the minimum threshold criteria listed in COMAR For each application that is determined to be administratively complete and meets the minimum threshold criteria, LAI will conduct independent qualitative and quantitative analyses in accordance with COMAR Pursuant to COMAR, LAI on behalf of the MD PSC may, at any time, issue questions to the OSW applicant on a confidential basis to facilitate its evaluation of the application. Information submitted by an OSW applicant shall become part of the application and responses containing confidential information shall be marked in accordance with MD PSC regulations. Once the application period has closed, any information submitted in response to a MD PSC-issued question may not change the proposed OREC price schedule, the proposed OREC amount, or materially change other information or materials included in the application.
  • Day 180: The application period closes, unless extended by the MD PSC. Per COMAR, the MD PSC may extend this closing date by one or more additional periods of 30 days.
  • Day 181: LAI will notify the MD PSC of its recommendation, if applicable, that the MD PSC convene proceedings in accordance with COMAR to consider an OSW application. The applicant will then submit its application to the Executive Secretary pursuant to MD PSC regulations. The applicant shall transmit an original and 17 paper copies, and one electronic copy, of the application materials to David J. Collins, Executive Secretary, Maryland Public Service Commission, William Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 St. Paul Street, 16th Floor, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. The public version of the electronic copy may be filed via the "e-file" system that is available at the Commission’s website, http://www.psc.state.md.us/.
  • Days 181 – 360: The MD PSC convenes proceedings in accordance with to provide an opportunity for interested parties to comment, consistent with applicable confidentiality laws and regulations.
  • Day 360: Unless extended by mutual consent of the MD PSC and the OSW applicant, the MD PSC shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny an application by this date (i.e. within 180 days after the close of the application period).