Ameren Illinois
Home Capacity RFP Energy RFP RECs RFP

Renewable Energy Credits RFP
For the planning year June 1, 2011, through May 31, 2012, the IPA Act requires that RECs equivalent to 6% of Ameren Illinois Company's eligible retail customer load for June 1, 2009 through May 31, 2010 be acquired through this RFP. Eligible retail customers include those residential and non-residential customers with peak demands less than 400 kW who acquire power and energy under fixed price tariffs. Based on the Reference Year Delivered Volume of 15,869,084 MWh and the 6% minimum RPS requirement, the target quantity to be procured is 952,145 RECs. Each REC represents the environmental attribute corresponding to one megawatt-hour (1 MWh) of energy produced from renewable energy resources that qualify under the IPA Act.

Notwithstanding these goals, lesser quantities than the quantities stated above may be purchased if the RECs are deemed to be not "cost effective" in accordance with the IPA Act. (Section 1-75(c)(1) - (2).) The amount of renewable purchases shall be limited such that the estimated average net increase due to the cost of the RECs included in the amounts paid by eligible retail customers is the greater of an additional 0.5% of the amount paid for electric service by those customers during the year ending May 31, 2010, or 2.0% of the amount paid per kWh by those customers during the year ending May 31, 2007. The Renewable Energy Resource Budget ("RRB") for the 2010-2011 delivery period for Ameren Illinois Company is therefore $30,180,309. REC purchases that cause this budget to be exceeded are deemed to be not "cost effective."
RFP Issued
RFP Attachments Issued
Contract Comments Due
Pre-Qualification Materials Due
Pre-Qual Status Notifications
Final Contract Posted
Bidder Practice Session
Bidder Registration Deadline
RECs Bids Due
Preliminary Bidder Notifications
Final Bidder Notifications
Contract(s) Executed
Service Commences

Request for Proposals (Posted 4/21/11)
Submission deadline: 12:00 noon CPT on May 2, 2011 by email ( or fax (617-531-2826)
Payment deadline: 12:00 noon CPT on May 2, 2011
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 5/2/11)
The Bidder Registration deadline is 12:00 noon CPT on Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Supplier Fee Details
The amount of the Supplier Fee charged to winning REC RFP bidders will be $0.10/REC (Posted 4/26/11)
Supplier Fee Binding Agreements will be completed with winning bidders following the ICC's ruling
RECs Bid Form (Posted 5/4/11)
Submit Bid Form
The window for submitting binding bids is now closed.
Additional documents can be found on the Documents page.

Submit a Question
The Illinois law states that after June 1, 2011, cost-effective renewable energy resources located in Illinois and in states that adjoin Illinois may be counted towards compliance with the standards set forth in paragraph (1) of this subsection (c). Will adjacent states RECs generated after January 1, 2011 but before June 1, 2011 qualify for the "Illinois and Adjacent States" classes for purposes of this procurement?
The Renewable Energy Credit Agreement provides for delivery of RECs with a vintage from January 1, 2011 to May 31, 2012. Hence, should a bidder win Illinois and Adjoining State RECs in this year's RFP, that bidder can satisfy delivery obligations by providing RECs of the type won from Illinois and/or an Adjoining States as long as they have a vintage between January 1, 2011 and May 31, 2012. Hence for this year’s RFP, there is nothing that limits the use of a REC produced in an Adjoining State as an Illinois and Adjoining State REC if those RECs are created in an Adjoining State on or before June 1, 2011.
(Posted 5/12/11)
Would it be possible to use the Michigan RECs tracking system (MIRECS) for tracking and retirement under the REC Agreement?
Yes, the MIRECS tracking system will be accepted for this procurement.
(Posted 5/6/11)
As in years past, will Ameren accept retirement of Texas generated RECs even if they are not registered with GATS, M-RETS or NARR? Texas' REC registry is maintained by ERCOT and can be found at
Ameren Illinois has accepted the ERCOT REC tracking system in the 2009 and 2010 REC procurements, and would be able to accept it for this procurement also.
(Posted 5/6/11)
Can a bidder post cash instead of a letter of credit as pre-bid security?
Please see Q&A #G5.
(Posted 5/2/11)
Which fields in the Pre-Qualification Application can be skipped if a bidder has already submited the Part 1 Form for the ComEd Renewables procurement and indicated that information should be shared with the Ameren Procurement Administrator?
The Pre-Qualification Application has been updated to add ** before the fields that can be left blank if information will be transmitted from the ComEd Procurement Administrator. These fields include those on the first page of Form 3A (contact information) and Form 4 (with the exception of the recipient of Invoice copies and ACH Transfer information).
(Posted 4/28/11)
Will a redline of the REC Agreement against the 2010 REC Agreement be available?
Yes, when we post the REC Agreement we will include a redline showing the changes from 2010.
(Posted 4/21/11)
Can the utility purchase renewable power to also help satisfy the 6% requirement or is the entire 6% satisfied through RECs as stated on the site?
The IPA's procurement plan for the 2011-12 delivery year calls for the entire 6% requirement to be satisfied through RECs.
(Posted 4/8/11)