Ameren Illinois
Home Capacity RFP Energy RFP RECs RFP

Energy RFP
The Illinois Power Agency procurement plan, as approved by the ICC, seeks to procure physical products for the following total contract quantities (in MW) and terms during the period June 1, 2011, through May 31, 2014:

Contract MonthOn-Peak VolumeOff-Peak Volume
June 2011 500 500
July 2011 500 400
August 2011 450 450
September 2011 500 450
October 2011 400 350
November 2011 450 350
December 2011 450 450
January 2012 550 450
February 2012 550 500
March 2012 450 400
April 2012 450 350
May 2012 400 350
June 2012 500 150
July 2012 750 450
August 2012 800 400
September 2012 350 200
October 2012 100 0
November 2012 200 50
December 2012 400 300
January 2013 750 650
February 2013 700 600
March 2013 550 500
April 2013 500 450
May 2013 550 450
June 2013 750 550
July 2013 850 700
August 2013 900 700
September 2013 650 600
October 2013 550 500
November 2013 550 500
December 2013 700 650
January 2014 750 700
February 2014 700 650
March 2014 600 550
April 2014 500 450
May 2014 550 450

  4/15/11 RFP Issued
  4/15/11 Draft RFP attachments issued
  4/22/11 Pre-Qualification Application Due
  4/22/11 Bid Participation Fee Due
  4/22/11 Contract Comments Due
  4/26/11 Pre-Qual Status Notifications
  4/28/11 Final Pre-Bid LC Modifications Posted to Website
  4/28/11 Final Contract Posted to Website
  5/3/11 Bidder Practice Session
  5/4/11 Bidder Registration Form Due
  5/4/11 Pre-Bid LC Due
  5/5/11 Energy Bids Due
  5/6/11 Preliminary Bidder Notifications
  5/10/11 Final Bidder Notifications
  5/13/11 Contract(s) Executed
 6/1/11Service Commences

Request for Proposals (Posted 4/15/11)
Note: The RFP has been updated to reflect the correct volumes for the Jan-Feb 2013 and Mar-Apr 2013 combination products
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit (Posted 4/15/11)
Submission deadline: 5:00 pm CPT on April 22, 2011 by email ( or fax (617-531-2826)
Payment deadline: 5:00 pm CPT on April 22, 2011
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 4/26/11)
The Bidder Registration deadline is 12:00 noon CPT on Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Supplier Fee Details
The amount of the Supplier Fee charged to winning Energy RFP bidders will be $0.03/MWh (Posted 4/26/11)
Supplier Fee Binding Agreements will be completed with winning bidders following the ICC's ruling
Energy Bid Form (Posted 4/26/11)
Submit Bid Form (Posted 5/2/11) Clicking link will open new window
The bid submission window is now closed
Additional documents can be found on the Documents page.

Submit a Question
In follow-up to question #E10, please confirm that a bidder awarded unsecured credit through a guarantor can elect to post cash instead of executing a guaranty. In this scenario, the unsecured credit threshold would be $0 until a guaranty is exected.
This is correct, cash can be posted in place of a guaranty until the guaranty is executed.
(Posted 5/4/11)
Will bid forms with formulas be accepted?
We recommend that bidders submit bids as values rather than formulas in order to ensure that the values evaluated are those intended, but bid forms with formulas will not be rejected.
(Posted 5/4/11)
What time can binding bids be submitted on Thursday, May 5, 2011?
The bidding window will be open for submission of binding bids from 10:00 am CPT to 12:00 noon CPT on Thursday, May 5, 2011.
(Posted 5/3/11)
If a winning bidder is providing a guaranty, when must it be submitted to Ameren Illinois?
If a winning bidder is awarded unsecured credit through a guarantor, the guaranty is due at contract execution, which must be completed within three business days of the ICC ruling on the procurement results. The ICC is scheduled to rule on the Procurement Administrator's recommendation on Monday, May 9th, therefore contract execution will take place by Thursday, May 12th.
(Posted 4/27/11)
Please confirm where the Pre-Bid ILOC should be sent and the Beneficiary's address.
As stated in paragraph 15 of the Form of Pre-Bid ILOC, the original Letter of Credit should be sent to Managing Supervisor, Credit Risk Management, Ameren Services, 1901 Choteau Avenue, MC 960, St. Louis, MO 63103. An email ( or fax (617-531-2826) copy should also be sent to the Procurement Administrator. Additional instructions for submitting the Pre-Bid ILOC can be found in the Bidder Registration Form.
(Posted 4/27/11)
Earlier questions can be found on the Q&A page.