Ameren Illinois
Home Capacity RFP Energy RFP RECs RFP


Welcome to the Illinois Power Agency website for the Ameren Illinois Company 2011 Capacity, Energy and RECs RFPs. This website is managed by Levitan & Associates, Inc. as part of our role as the Illinois Power Agency's Procurement Administrator for the 2011 Ameren Illinois Company RFPs. In accordance with the requirements of Section 16-111.5(c)(2) of the Public Utilities Act (220 ILSC 5/16-11.5), the Procurement Monitor, retained by the Illinois Commerce Commission, will also have access to all public and secure information posted to the Web site.

The Illinois Power Agency filed the initial Procurement Plan, consistent with Section 16-111.5(j) of the Public Utilities Act (220 ILSC 5/16-11.5), on September 29, 2010, in ICC Docket No. 10-0563. The Illinois Commerce Commission approved a modified plan in an order issued on December 21, 2010 (the Final Order). The Final Order is posted in the documents section of this website along with the filed Procurement Plan. The Plan outlines the process for acquiring standard wholesale energy products, capacity and renewable energy credits necessary to meet the needs of the eligible retail customers that purchase power and energy from Ameren Illinois under fixed-price bundled service tariffs. Details regarding each of the products to be procured are specified in the RFP documents contained in each of the RFP sections of this site.

Latest News & Announcements
Friday, 5/13/2011
  • RECs Bidder Practice Session materials available on the Documents and RECs RFP pages
  • Results of capacity bidding (June and July through May) now available on the ICC website
  • RECs Bid Form submission link is now live on the Documents and RECs RFP pages
Thursday, 5/12/2011
  • New RECs Q&A posted regarding classification of RECs generated between January 1, 2011 and May 31, 2011
Tuesday, 5/10/2011
  • Final Renewable Energy Credit Agreement now available on the Documents and RECs RFP pages
Monday, 5/9/2011
  • New Capacity Q&A posted regarding providing separate pre-bid letters of credit for each procurement
  • Capacity Bidder Practice Session materials available on the Documents and Capacity RFP pages
  • Results of energy bidding now available on the ICC website
  • Capacity Bid Form submission link is now live on the Documents and Capacity RFP pages

To receive announcements and informational updates
June 2011 Capacity RFP Issued
June 2011 Capacity Bids Due
Energy RFP Issued
July 2011 - May 2012 Capacity RFP Issued
RECs RFP Issued
Energy Bids Due
July 2011 - May 2012 Capacity Bids Due
RECs Bids Due
Services Commence
For details regarding the schedule for each RFP see the individual pages.