Ameren Illinois Utilities
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Welcome to the Illinois Power Agency website for the Ameren Illinois Utilities 2010 Energy, Capacity and RECs RFPs. This site will serve as the platform for participating in the 2010 Procurement. Each of the RFPs is located on a separate section of the site, designed to aid prospective bidders by providing: information about the procurement process; directions regarding bidder pre-qualification and bid preparation; a forum for asking questions and obtaining answers about the RFPs and the procurement process; and a means for submitting bidder information and bids. The site is constructed to preserve the confidentiality of bidders and information submitted by bidders.

Each RFP section of the website consists of two tiers:

  1. The first tier is fully accessible to the public, and contains the RFP and contract documents, bidder credit requirements, announcements regarding modifications to any of these materials, forms to be completed by prospective bidders, and directions for completing the forms. Each prospective bidder must submit a Pre-Qualification Application, which includes bidder's and guarantor's company and credit information, as well as other relevant information. The public tier also contains the forum for questions and answers. Any information which might reveal the identity of the bidder submitting the questions will be removed prior to posting. Bidders who are pre-qualified will be notified and will become Registered Bidders by submitting a bid letter of credit and a signed commitment form.

  2. The secure tier is protected and accessible only to Registered Bidders. In the secure tier, Registered Bidders will submit their binding, confidential bids.

This website is managed by Levitan & Associates, Inc. as part of our role as the Illinois Power Agency's Procurement Administrator for the 2009 Ameren Illinois Utilities RFPs. In accordance with the requirements of Section 16-111.5(c)(2) of the Public Utilities Act (220 ILSC 5/16-11.5), the Procurement Monitor, retained by the Illinois Commerce Commission, will also have access to all public and secure information posted to the Web site.

Background for the Illinois Power Agency's 2010 Ameren Illinois Utilities RFP

The Illinois Power Agency filed the initial Procurement Plan, consistent with Section 16-111.5(j) of the Public Utilities Act (220 ILSC 5/16-11.5), on September 30, 2009, in ICC Docket No. 09-0373. Supplemental Recommendations were filed on November 9, 2009. The Illinois Commerce Commission approved a modified plan in an order issued on December 28, 2009 (the Final Order). The Final Order is posted in the documents section of this website along with the filed Procurement Plan and other related documents filed by the Illinois Power Agency. The Plan outlines the process for acquiring standard wholesale energy products, capacity and renewable energy credits necessary to meet the needs of the eligible retail customers that purchase power and energy from the Ameren Illinois Utilities under fixed-price bundled service tariffs. The products to be procured under this plan generally cover the period from June 1, 2010, through May 31, 2013. Details regarding each of the products to be procured are specified in the RFP documents contained in the public access areas of each of the RFP sections of this site.


The information contained in this website is presented for the convenience and to aid prospective bidders in the preparation and submittal of bids to the Illinois Power Agency's 2010 Ameren Illinois Utilities Energy, Capacity and Renewable Energy Credits RFPs. This website is not intended to be an exhaustive source for all documents relating to these procurements. Levitan & Associates, Inc. (the Procurement Administrator), the Illinois Power Agency and the Ameren Illinois Utilities, individually or jointly, make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information presented herein. Levitan & Associates, Inc. is not responsible for the contents of any third-party sites linked from this site.

To receive announcements and informational updates

 3/15/10Capacity RFP Issued
 3/22/10Energy RFP Issued
 4/5/10Capacity Bids Due
 4/12/10RECs RFP Issued
 5/4/10Energy Bids Due
 5/18/10RECs Bids Due
 6/1/10Services Commence
For details regarding the schedule for each RFP see the individual pages.

5/24/10:REC RFP results are now available on the ICC Website
5/11/10:Final RECs contract is now available for download from the RECs RFP page
5/3/10:New Energy and RECs Q&A posted
5/3/10:Acceptable modifications to the RECs Pre-Bid ILOC are now posted to the main RECs page; release of the final REC contract has been delayed, a new release date will be posted as soon as possible
4/30/10:Presentation from Energy Bidder Practice Session is posted to the Energy Bidder Registration page
4/29/10:Final Energy contract is now available on the Energy page
4/19/10:New Energy and RECs Q&A posted
4/19/10:Attachment B to the RECs RFP (REC Contract) is now available for download from the RECs RFP page
4/16/10:New Energy Q&A posted
4/15/10:Attachment C to the RECs RFP (Form of Pre-Bid Irrevocable Letter of Credit) is now available for download from the RECs RFP page
More Announcements...

Procurement Information

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Capacity RFP    Energy RFP    RECs RFP
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Levitan & Associates, Inc.
Procurement Administrator
Phone: 617-531-2818
John BitlerExt. 22
Sara PierceExt. 15
Fax: 617-531-2826

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