Ameren Illinois
Home Capacity RFP Energy RFP RECs RFP

Energy RFP
The Illinois Power Agency procurement plan, as approved by the ICC, seeks to procure physical products for the following total contract quantities (in MW) and terms during the period June 1, 2012, through May 31, 2015:

Contract MonthOn-Peak VolumeOff-Peak Volume
June 2012 250 150
July 2012 250 100
August 2012 50 0
September 2012 50 0
October 2012 0 0
November 2012 0 0
December 2012 100 0
January 2013 0 400
February 2013 0 350
March 2013 0 0
April 2013 0 0
May 2013 0 0

No volumes are sought for the 2013-14 or 2014-15 planning years.

  3/14/12 RFP Issued
  3/14/12 RFP attachments issued
  4/9/12 Pre-Qualification Application Due
  4/9/12 Bid Participation Fee Due
  4/9/12 Contract Comments Due
  4/11/12 Pre-Qual Status Notifications
  4/19/12 Bidder Registration Form Due
  4/20/12 Final Contract Posted to Website
  4/24/12 Bidder Practice Session
  4/26/12 Energy Bids Due
  4/27/12 Preliminary Bidder Notifications
  5/2/12 Final Bidder Notifications
  5/7/12 Contract(s) Executed

Request for Proposals (Posted 3/14/12)
RFP Attachment A - Confirmation Agreement
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
RFP Attachment B - Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
Requested Modifications should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Modification Submission Deadline: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit Submission Deadline: 4/19/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Additional Acceptable Modifications will be posted as they are submitted and reviewed
Instructions: Submit by email to
Submission Deadline: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 3/14/12)
Submission Deadline: 4/19/12, 12:00 noon CPT
The Supplier Fees for the Energy RFP have been set at $0.70/MWh (On-Peak) and $0.45/MWh (Off-Peak)
Supplier Fee Agreements will be executed with winning bidders, no action is needed until after awards are announced
Bid Submission
Bid Form (Posted 3/14/12, Updated 4/11/12)
Submission Instructions (Posted 3/14/12)
Submit Bid Form (Link will open a new window)
The binding bid submission window is now closed

Submit a Question
What is the delivery point for energy?
As stated in the Confirmation Agreement, the Delivery Point is "MISO CP Node AMIL.BGS6, or any successor thereto."
(Posted 4/23/12)
The bid date is scheduled for a Thursday, with preliminary notifications on Friday, which could increase prices if bidders are not able to access the wholesale market until Monday. Can additional information about the notification schedule be provided?
The timeline for delivering final binding notifications to bidders is set by legislation, as noted in the Energy RFP - up to two business days for the Procurement Administrator and Procurement Monitor to submit reports on the bidding results to the ICC with recommendations for award, and then up to two business days for the ICC to rule on the results and recommendations. As Procurement Administrator for Ameren Illinois, Levitan & Associates, commits to deliver preliminary notifications of our recommendations to the ICC by phone to all bidders by 12:00 noon CPT on Friday, April 27, 2012.
(Posted 3/15/12)
The bid dates for both the Ameren Illinois ComEd Energy procurements are scheduled on the same day, which has not been the case for previous spring procurements. Is it possible for the procurement dates to be shifted so they are not on the same day?
No, the energy bid dates for Ameren Illinois and ComEd were intentionally scheduled for the same day. Holding the energy procurements on the same day, April 26th, offers savings in terms of administrative costs associated with the two solicitations. While the Ameren Illinois and ComEd bidding sessions are to be held on the same day, the actual bidding windows are at different times of the day. ComEd's bidding window is 10:00 am to 12:00 noon CPT and Ameren Illinois' is 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm CPT. Another factor mitigating the bid day scheduling for potential participants is that only a few of the Ameren Illinois and ComEd energy products being solicited overlap.
(Posted 3/15/12)
Do bidders have the opportunity to comment on the form of pre-bid letter of credit?
Yes, per section 4.2 on page 5 of the Energy RFP, modifications to the form of pre-bid letter of credit can be requested in redline. Acceptable modifications will be posted to the website and available for any bidder to use.
(Posted 3/15/12)