Procurement Documents
Final 2012 Procurement Plan (Posted 3/7/12)
Final Order in ICC Docket No. 11-0660 (Posted 3/7/12)
Pre-Qualification Application (Posted 3/7/12)
Instructions: Submit by email to
Submission Deadlines:
Capacity RFP: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Energy RFP: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Renewable Energy Credits RFP: 4/16/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Bid Participation Fee Payment Instructions (Posted 3/7/12)
Capacity RFP
Request for Proposals (Posted 3/7/12)
RFP Attachment A - 2012-13 Confirmation Agreement
Draft 2012-13 Confirmation Agreement (Posted 3/7/12)
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Final 2012-13 Confirmation Agreement (Posted 3/30/12)
No changes were made from the Draft 2012-13 Confirmation Agreement
RFP Attachment B - 2013-15 Confirmation Agreement
Draft 2013-15 Confirmation Agreement (Posted 3/7/12)
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Final 2013-15 Confirmation Agreement (Posted 3/30/12)
Final 2013-15 Confirmation Agreement Redline Against Draft (Posted 3/30/12)
RFP Attachment C - Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit (Posted 3/7/12)
Requested Modifications should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Modification Submission Deadline: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit Submission Deadline: 4/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Acceptable Modifications to Capacity Pre-Bid Letter of Credit (Posted 3/28/12)
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 3/7/12)
Submission Deadline: 4/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Supplier Fee Binding Agreement (Posted 3/7/12)
Supplier Fee Agreements will be executed with winning bidders, no action is needed until after awards are announced
The Supplier Fees for the Capacity RFP have been set at $0.50/PRC (MW-month) and $6.00/ZRC (MW-year)
Bid Submission
Bid Form (Posted 3/8/12, Updated 3/27/12)
Submission Instructions (Posted 3/8/12, Updated 3/27/12)
Bidder Practice Session Materials (Posted 3/29/12)
Submit Bid Form (Link will open a new window)
The binding bid submission window is now closed
Energy RFP
Request for Proposals (Posted 3/14/12)
RFP Attachment A - Confirmation Agreement
Draft Confirmation Agreement (Posted 3/14/12)
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Draft Redline Against Final 2011 Confirmation Agreement (Posted 3/14/12)
Final Confirmation Agreement (Posted 4/20/12)
Final Confirmation Agreement Redline Against Draft (Posted 4/20/12)
RFP Attachment B - Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit (Posted 3/14/12)
Requested Modifications should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Modification Submission Deadline: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit Submission Deadline: 4/19/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Acceptable Modifications to Energy Pre-Bid Letter of Credit (Posted 4/4/12)
Additional Acceptable Modifications will be posted as they are submitted and reviewed
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 3/14/12)
Submission Deadline: 4/19/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Supplier Fee Binding Agreement (Posted 3/14/12)
The Supplier Fees for the Energy RFP have been set at $0.70/MWh (On-Peak) and $0.45/MWh (Off-Peak)
Supplier Fee Agreements will be executed with winning bidders, no action is needed until after awards are announced
Bid Submission
Bid Form (Posted 3/14/12, Updated 4/11/12)
Submission Instructions (Posted 3/14/12)
Bidder Practice Session Materials (Posted 4/19/12)
Submit Bid Form (Link will open a new window)
The binding bid submission window is now closed
Renewable Energy Credits RFP
Request for Proposals (Posted 3/21/12)
RFP Attachment B - REC Agreement
Draft REC Agreement (Posted 3/21/12)
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 4/16/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Draft Redline Against Final 2011 REC Agreement (Posted 3/21/12)
Final REC Agreement (Posted 4/25/12)
Final REC Agreement Redline Against Draft (Posted 4/25/12)
RFP Attachment C - Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit (Posted 3/21/12)
Requested Modifications should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Modification Submission Deadline: 4/16/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit Submission Deadline: 5/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Acceptable Modifications to RECs Pre-Bid Letter of Credit (Posted 4/17/12)
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 3/21/12)
Submission Deadline: 5/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Supplier Fee Binding Agreement (Posted 3/21/12)
The Supplier Fee for the REC RFP has been set at $0.15/REC
Supplier Fee Agreements will be executed with winning bidders, no action is needed until after awards are announced
Bid Submission
Bid Form (Posted 3/21/12)
Submission Instructions (Posted 3/21/12)
Bidder Practice Session Materials (Posted 5/2/12)
Submit Bid Form (Link will open a new window)
The binding bid submission window is now closed