Ameren Illinois
Home Capacity RFP Energy RFP RECs RFP

Procurement Documents


Instructions: Submit by email to
Submission Deadlines:
Capacity RFP: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Energy RFP: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Renewable Energy Credits RFP: 4/16/12, 12:00 noon CPT

Capacity RFP
Request for Proposals (Posted 3/7/12)
RFP Attachment A - 2012-13 Confirmation Agreement
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
No changes were made from the Draft 2012-13 Confirmation Agreement
RFP Attachment B - 2013-15 Confirmation Agreement
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
RFP Attachment C - Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
Requested Modifications should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Modification Submission Deadline: 3/21/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit Submission Deadline: 4/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 3/7/12)
Submission Deadline: 4/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Supplier Fee Agreements will be executed with winning bidders, no action is needed until after awards are announced
The Supplier Fees for the Capacity RFP have been set at $0.50/PRC (MW-month) and $6.00/ZRC (MW-year)
Bid Submission
Bid Form (Posted 3/8/12, Updated 3/27/12)
Submission Instructions (Posted 3/8/12, Updated 3/27/12)
Submit Bid Form (Link will open a new window)
The binding bid submission window is now closed

Energy RFP
Request for Proposals (Posted 3/14/12)
RFP Attachment A - Confirmation Agreement
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
RFP Attachment B - Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
Requested Modifications should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Modification Submission Deadline: 4/9/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit Submission Deadline: 4/19/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Additional Acceptable Modifications will be posted as they are submitted and reviewed
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 3/14/12)
Submission Deadline: 4/19/12, 12:00 noon CPT
The Supplier Fees for the Energy RFP have been set at $0.70/MWh (On-Peak) and $0.45/MWh (Off-Peak)
Supplier Fee Agreements will be executed with winning bidders, no action is needed until after awards are announced
Bid Submission
Bid Form (Posted 3/14/12, Updated 4/11/12)
Submission Instructions (Posted 3/14/12)
Submit Bid Form (Link will open a new window)
The binding bid submission window is now closed

Renewable Energy Credits RFP
Request for Proposals (Posted 3/21/12)
RFP Attachment B - REC Agreement
Draft REC Agreement (Posted 3/21/12)
Comments should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Comment Deadline: 4/16/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Final REC Agreement (Posted 4/25/12)
RFP Attachment C - Form of Pre-Bid Letter of Credit
Requested Modifications should be redlined in Microsoft Word and submitted by email to
Modification Submission Deadline: 4/16/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Pre-Bid Letter of Credit Submission Deadline: 5/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
Bidder Registration Form (Posted 3/21/12)
Submission Deadline: 5/3/12, 12:00 noon CPT
The Supplier Fee for the REC RFP has been set at $0.15/REC
Supplier Fee Agreements will be executed with winning bidders, no action is needed until after awards are announced
Bid Submission
Bid Form (Posted 3/21/12)
Submission Instructions (Posted 3/21/12)
Submit Bid Form (Link will open a new window)
The binding bid submission window is now closed